Delight over brewery’s U-turn on decision to close last pub in village

Landlord Dave Roy at the pubLandlord Dave Roy at the pub
Landlord Dave Roy at the pub
A village pub scheduled to close this weekend has been given a reprieve thanks to the support of the community.

Robinsons Brewery decided to shut the Prince William pub, on Beacon Lane, Dalton, with 15 members of staff expected to lose their jobs this Sunday.

But the announcement led to an outcry from customers, who were upset about losing not just their favourite venue, but the last pub remaining in the village.

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More than 60 people attended a meeting there on Sunday to voice their concerns about the closure.

They asked for the business to be kept open to see how it performed during the busier spring and summer months.

Now, owners Robinsons have agreed to give the pub a six-month reprieve to see if its fortunes can be turned around.

William Robinson, joint managing director, said: “At Robinsons we have a policy to support our community and traditional pubs. However, as many other brewers have found, some of our pubs have struggled to remain viable businesses in recent years for both the licensee and the brewery.

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“Reluctantly we had taken the decision to close the Prince William in Dalton at the end of this week.

“However the community have engaged with us in a positive and co-operative manner, the result of which is that we have deferred the closure for six months, to see if the pub can be brought back to a sustainable trading level and saved from closure.”

The decision has been welcomed by Dave Roy, who ran the pub for several years as a tenant before handing it to the brewery and becoming the manager last summer.

He said he was “very pleased” with the reprieve and grateful for all the support from the community.

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He encouraged people to visit in coming months, promising “great service and fab food”.

Mr Roy said: “We have six months to turn it round. The pub needs to be busy to stay in profit and to remain open.

“Although we have a fab following already, the more the merrier.”

Dalton resident Vivienne Green, who was involved in the campaign to save the pub, said: “We are all made up. We are delighted because it’s the hub of the village. We are glad they have given us another six months and let’s hope that they let us carry on after that.

“We have to support the pub, otherwise we will lose it.”

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