Another London school trip cancelled after terror attack

Headteacher Phil EdgeHeadteacher Phil Edge
Headteacher Phil Edge
A Wigan school has axed a class trip to London in the wake of the terror attack just days after another school in the borough did the same.

Newfold Primary in Orrell took the decision to abandon the excursion as it did not want to cause any “unnecessary risk” to children or staff.

But some parents aren’t happy after being told it is unlikely they will get any of the £176 they paid back.

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There is to be some compensation for missing out on the experiences though as a camping trip is being planned instead.

The axing comes days after RL Hughes Primary School in Ashton made the call to cancel its three-day trip for the same reasons, leaving some parents complaining that they felt “robbed” and angry that they weren’t consulted first.

Newfold headteacher Phil Edge said: “Safety comes first and I do not want to put the children or my staff at any unnecessary risk.

“The majority of parents have been very supportive of this decision to prioritise safety.

“We really wanted to take those children to London.

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“It’s such a shame because we have loved having this Year six class and the trip was a celebration.”

Parents received a letter informing them that the trip, planned for Thursday, June 8 was to be cancelled.

But, having paid the money to various companies and organisations involved in planning the trip, which included visits to the top sights in London, a meal at Planet Hollywood and a stay at a Premier Inn, a refund does not look likely because the insurance policy does not cover acts of terrorism.

Pupils were said to have been disappointed by the news because it was the group adventure and overnight stay that they were looking forward to the most.

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Mr Edge said: “It’s the residential element that the children wanted, so we’ve asked them what they would like to do instead. Unbelievably, they’ve asked for a camping trip, so that’s what we’re going to give them.

“Members of staff will give up a night with their families so that the children can have a full camping experience here on the school field. We’re going to have a BBQ at night and a cooked breakfast in the morning. The children are really looking forward to it.”