Online school games week teaches children the power of sport

The Wigan School Games is held as part of National School Sport WeekThe Wigan School Games is held as part of National School Sport Week
The Wigan School Games is held as part of National School Sport Week
School pupils across the borough will be given a week of virtual activities designed to teach them about the benefits that come with sports physical activity.

The Wigan School Games launches tomorrow, Saturday June 20, as part of National School Sport Week, this year with the unique twist of being an online event.

Cathy Robinson is one of two school games organisers for the Wigan borough, along with Sharon Walls. In any normal year, she would be organising physical activities such as inter-school tournaments and sports days, and learning sessions.

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They work with all schools both primary and secondary as well as providers of FE education in the borough to ensure that every young person is given the opportunity to engage in competitive school sport be it as a participant, a coach, an official or an organiser.

The Wigan School Games is held as part of National School Sport WeekThe Wigan School Games is held as part of National School Sport Week
The Wigan School Games is held as part of National School Sport Week

The School Games, which is funded by Sport England National Lottery funding and delivered by the Youth Sport Trust, is a government led programme designed to deliver competitive school sport to all young people.

The network of School Games Organisers have worked alongside the Youth Sport Trust in delivering three distinct levels of competition since the Games' inception in 2010 - ranging from intra - inter school activity, in addition to County and National Finals, which is supported by National Governing Bodies.

This year’s unprecedented circumstances mean Cathy and Sharon have had to adapt to new ways of teaching children the value of physical education. Cathy, who is based at Dean Trust Wigan, said: “Normally at this time we could be doing events like cricket, netball, football etc. We’d be out everyday delivering face-to-face events and activities.”

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“Even before the schools shut, we got a new job description that was about delivering virtual learning and PE at home, and trying to develop resources to keep young people active in a virtual world. So we’ve adapted to that. The Wigan School Games isn’t just about getting young people winning at all costs. It’s about teaching the values that go along with sport - honesty, integrity, determination, teamwork and self belief. Through our virtual world, we are still bringing out those values. We are using the power of sport to support people, especially with their mental health at this time.”

Schools across the borough will have access to a web page where a variety of physical education resources will be available, so that schools can adapt the information to suit their own teaching styles. Schools in Wigan Central, Standish Shevington, Orrell, Worsley Mesnes and Hindley can access the materials at

For schools elsewhere, visit

The annual National School Sport Week campaign takes place in the last week of June every year to celebrate the important role of Physical Education and school sport in enhancing young people's wellbeing.

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This year, the Youth Sport Trust has teamed up with Sky Sports to run a national campaign which will aim to unite the country - families, schools, sport and businesses - in a celebration of the power of sport to bring people together, even during isolation.

The UK-wide campaign will challenge people to take on their families, friends and neighbours in virtual sporting challenges – helping them to connect in an unprecedented period of school closures and social distancing.

It will be supercharged by Sky Sports who will be helping to inspire families across the country to take part.

The campaign builds on the Youth Sport Trust’s #StayHomeStayActive campaign which has been supporting schools, parents and young people with daily free resources to get young people moving and enjoying the PE curriculum while at home.