Businesses must register CCTV or face fine

CCTV cameraCCTV camera
CCTV camera
Wigan businesses who install CCTV cameras are being warned they face the risk of hefty fines if they are not registered.

It costs just £35 per year to log a camera system with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) but many local bosses are unaware they need to do so.

Experts say it is vital businesses stick to the letter of the law with their camera systems, not only for the protection of their staff and property, but also for anybody who comes onto their premises, whether with good or foul intent.

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Hide Ad spokesperson Jonathan Ratcliffe, said: “Some companies think they can skip their Data Protection Act responsibilities, but the sad fact is that their lack of compliance will almost certainly come to light the second they try to use camera footage for a prosecution.

“And that evidence could even be thrown out of court.”

Last month a company was fined £650 following a successful prosecution brought by the ICO against a business which was using a non-registered CCTV system

The owner repeatedly ignored reminder letters to register their premises because she thought they were ‘spam’.

Mr Ratcliffe added: “When your system is ‘evidence-ready’ with well-serviced cameras in the right locations providing date-stamped footage, it’s almost impossible for a suspect to evade identification.

Footage has been responsible for thousands of convictions and saved millions of pounds across the country, but they have to be used responsibly.

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