Child abuse and 'animal porn' Wigan man avoids jail

Robinson's computer use will be serverely curtailed among other punishmentsRobinson's computer use will be serverely curtailed among other punishments
Robinson's computer use will be serverely curtailed among other punishments
A perverted Wigan man who admitted to a series of child abuse and “animal porn” image offences dating back almost eight years has been spared an immediate prison term.

Steven Robinson, of Atherton Road, Hindley, had appeared in the dock at Wigan and Leigh Magistrates’ Court to plead guilty to a total of seven charges.

They included making 158 pictures that fall into the most serious legal category: A, plus the creation of a further 64 category B images and 477 deemed category C.

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Robinson also admitted to the distribution of indecent images of children: six category A and 18 category C, plus possession of 24 images of people having intercourse with animals.

The offences all took place between April 2013 and July 2019.

The 36-year-old was then sent to Bolton Crown Court for sentencing where a judge gave him a 24-month custodial term but suspended it for the same amount of time.

As part of his punishment, Robinson must also be supervised for two years, complete 20 days of rehabilitation activities and 180 hours of unpaid work.

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The judge ordered that he must forfeit all the equipment on which the offending materials were found.

And Robinson has been made the subject of a 10-year sexual harm prevention order which include restricting his access to the internet and social media, and must also sign on the Sex Offenders’ Register for a decade.

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