Petition launched to overturn noisy rooster court order

Catherine and ChopperCatherine and Chopper
Catherine and Chopper
A petition has been launched in support of a Wigan woman who was hauled before a court over her pet rooster’s loud noise.

Catherine Hankey was brought before magistrates’ this week over the din caused by her bird, named Chopper, which several neighbours complained about.

Related: Wigan woman hauled before justices over pet rooster's noiseBut the 33-year-old said afterwards she felt extremely hard done to as there are several other cocks kept locally - including one at a community farm just yards away.

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She also feared her bird - named Chopper - might now have to be put down.

But a petition has now been launched calling for the conviction to be overturned.

Linsey McArdle, who launched the campaign, said: “I am flabbergasted that it has got so far and think its ridiculous in a local rural area that she is supposed to ‘keep it quiet’.”

Wigan Council has robustly defended its decision to bring the unusual case to court saying the bird had been a nuisance to neighbours.

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Hankey, of Greenways, Billinge, at first indicated a not guilty plea before abandoning the option of a trial on financial grounds.

She then accepted Chopper had been a source of noise picked up on monitors installed in the complainant’s home. That, the court told her, was enough to constitute a breach and meant her evidence blaming other animals as well was only mitigation rather than a defence.

Following a long discussion, the bench gave her a 12-month conditional discharge and ordered her to pay costs and a surcharge totalling £320.

She now fears Chopper will have to be euthanised, unless the petition is successful.

The petition can be found here