VIDEO: Mum's hell as racist thugs make family's life a misery

Tomas and Karolina Nasalis and children Elena, seven, left, and Rebecca, four, have been victims of hate-crime since moving to WiganTomas and Karolina Nasalis and children Elena, seven, left, and Rebecca, four, have been victims of hate-crime since moving to Wigan
Tomas and Karolina Nasalis and children Elena, seven, left, and Rebecca, four, have been victims of hate-crime since moving to Wigan
She has been beaten, attacked in her family home and had racist insults hurled at her in a series of terrifying attacks.

Mum-of-two Karolina Nasalis left a turbulent life in the Czech Republic nearly a decade ago to follow her dream of moving to England.

But nine years on, following a string of violent and devastating crimes, the 27-year-old is now questioning the safety of her young family if they continue to live in Wigan.

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Karolina, who lives in Worsley Hall with her Lithuanian husband Tomas and two daughters Elena, seven and Rebecca, four, said she is at “breaking point” after being targeted by racist thugs and vandals.

Tomas and Karolina Nasalis and children Elena, seven, left, and Rebecca, four, have been victims of hate-crime since moving to WiganTomas and Karolina Nasalis and children Elena, seven, left, and Rebecca, four, have been victims of hate-crime since moving to Wigan
Tomas and Karolina Nasalis and children Elena, seven, left, and Rebecca, four, have been victims of hate-crime since moving to Wigan

The customer services representative, who works at Martland Park, has recently been attacked on her way to work and told to “go back to Poland” by ignorant abusers on Facebook.

But her concerns for her family’s safety started four years ago, on her daughter’s third birthday.

“We were having a party in the front room,” she said. “It was a big deal, I was pregnant with Elena and my dad had come over from Czech to visit - I only see him around once every four years.

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“The kids just started screaming. I ran in and there were people banging baseballs bats on the front windows. My dad went out and they started going crazy at him - he was knocked unconscious.

“He wasn’t responding and was really badly bleeding from his head. The police came and arrested a few people but when it got to court they were just given community orders and fines.

“It was absolutely horrible. Me and my husband almost got divorced because of the stress it put us under.”

Just before this incident the family car was written off when a drink-driver ploughed into their drive. Despite gathering her own evidence including witness statements and a comment from the driver’s friend to say he had been drinking, no arrests were made due to a lack of evidence.

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Shortly after the incident, the Natasias were moved from their home in Platt Bridge to a property in Worsley Hall for their own safety.

But the problems continued. Karolina recalls being the subject of a terrifying attack as she walked to work through Kitt Green shortly after their move in 2013.

“I was going in early to do some overtime,” she added. “Someone pushed me down from behind. They kicked me in the side, in the ribs and started screaming at me calling me a bitch.

“I got hit in the face, they went through my bag and ripped my T-shirt. Due to a lack of witnesses, police have never made any arrests. I feel like they don’t care.”

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The concerned mum added: “I feel unsafe here now. I had to spend so much money on getting a driving licence because my husband was so worried about me walking to work again.

“While I was doing all this I had to take a taxi to and from work which was costing a fortune and I had to go to therapy. It was the worst.

“I don’t feel safe in England anymore. It is my home, I have lived here for years. When I first arrived I thought I belonged here but my whole life has been ripped apart.”

Several incidents last week have forced Karolina and Tomas to reconsider their future in Wigan.

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The family watched on in horror last week as a drunken hooligan jumped onto the front windscreen of the family car, smashing the windscreen.

The incident happened after a huge row broke out in the street between a man and two women.

After posting mobile phone footage on social media, Karolina was contacted by someone who recognised the offender involved.

Following her own post on Facebook about the incident she was verbally attacked by one of the women who publicly told her to go “back to Poland”.

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The screenshots taken of the posts even show the perpetrator admitting that she was involved in the act of vandalism on her car, cruelly taunting her by saying: “ya car does not work not ha ha.”

Karolina was also called a “rat” for reporting the incident to the police and threatened with violence, but despite all of this, her abuser has not been reprimanded.

“I just want police to do something,” she added. “How am I supposed to bring my children up to respect adults when no one is respecting their parents?”GMP was unavailable for comment.