Wigan attempted murder suspect is bailed

Police at the scene of the incident on December 29Police at the scene of the incident on December 29
Police at the scene of the incident on December 29
A man arrested on suspicion of attempted murder in Wigan has been released on bail.

The suspect, who is in his 30s, was detained following an incident an address in School Way, Norley, on the afternoon of Wednesday December 29.

Emergency services attended and found a seriously injured man and a young boy, who had suffered minor injuries.

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The boy was taken to hospital but his injuries were said at the time not thought to be life-threatening or life-changing.

Inquiries are ongoing to establish the full circumstances.

A police spokeswoman said that the man had been released on bail until the end of January pending further investigations.

One neighbour told Wigan Today: "Police have been doing door to door enquiries this afternoon. We saw a young boy being taken away in an ambulance."

Anyone with information should contact police on 0161 856 1782 or 101 quoting incident 1964 of 29/12/21.

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Alternatively details can be passed via the LiveChat function at www.gmp.police.uk or via the independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555111.

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