Wigan family's terror during 'unnerving' mop attack on car

The man wielded a mop threateninglyThe man wielded a mop threateningly
The man wielded a mop threateningly
A Wigan mum has spoken about the “unnerving” moment a strange man threatened to smash her car windows with a mop while her son was in the back.

The woman, who has asked to remain anonymous, said that she was in the car with her teenage son and husband when they were approached by the man - who they have never seen before.

The family were leaving their home in Bottling Wood when a stranger spat at them and threatened to smash their windows with a mop.

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“We had just reversed off the drive and I was going quite slowly,” she said. “Our street is quite quiet and there was a van going really slowly the other way.

“I looked at the driver as he went past and it looked like he was giving my son the finger. He slammed on his brakes and stopped right outside our house.

“He jumped out of the passenger side and was beckoning me over - I wondered if I had hit his van.

“He didn’t really talk he was just pointing at my car. He looked drunk. Then he started saying “tell him to come over”, meaning my husband.”

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Confused, the woman’s husband got out of the car and started to walk over to the man, who then clenched his fist and started “pumping” it like he was going to throw a punch.

“He started coming towards him so my husband backed off. He said ‘I want my money’. I’m wondering if it was a case of mistaken identity.

“I got my phone out to take a picture and we all got back in the car at which point he ran and picked up a mop from a neighbour’s garden.

“He went to the windscreen with it and stopped just before the window like he was going to smash it then he came round did it again and then spat on my window. It was awful.

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“He got back in his van, turned around and drove at our car to the point where he was going to ram us and then swerved at the last minute.

“It was so weird and very unnerving.”

The family called the police, who took details which were passed onto the local policing team. No arrests have yet been made.

The incident comes just days after another unnerving incident in which a man tried to get into a car at Gathurst station.

On Friday, March 29, a motorist got into their vehicle at 10.30pm at Gathurst station and locked the doors.

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It is reported that a man approached and walked in front of the car, before going to the side and trying to open the passenger door.

The motorist waved the man off and managed to drive away quickly.

They reported what happened on social media to warn other people and urged them to contact police with details of any similar incidents.

Anyone who witnesses suspicious behaviour or who is the victim of an attack or threats should contact police on 101.

If it is an emergency and your safety is at risk call
