Wigan thief who stripped house of fittings and stole shed escapes jail

Mark AshworthMark Ashworth
Mark Ashworth
A Wigan man who admitted to stripping a house of its gas cooker, carpets and light bulbs and stealing a garden shed has walked free from court.

Mark Ashworth, from Broom Road in Worsley Hall, has been given a non-custodial sentence after pleading guilty to burglary and theft.

Other news: Dozens of Wigan motorists fined for litteringOn October 16, Ashworth and another male were identified from CCTV footage approaching the victim’s home address on Plane Avenue.

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Ashworth tampered with the gas meter before both went to the rear of the address.

The back door was forced and various items stolen from inside, including a gas cooker, carpets and light bulbs.

A wooden shed from the garden was also taken later that day. It is believed that Ashworth made several trips due to the amount of property stolen.

Ashworth was arrested at his home address on October 23. During the house search the stolen carpet was found to be laid on the floor and the stolen shed had been erected in the back garden.

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Ashworth denied the burglary on interview but later pleaded guilty at court.

At a hearing at Bolton Crown Court he was sentenced to 18 months imprisonment, suspended for 24 months.

He was also given 120 hours unpaid work and rehabilitation activity requirement.

Ashworth will also have to pay a victim surcharge of £140.

Greater Manchester Police officers for Wigan West took to social media following the sentencing, saying: If you know of any active burglars then contact the police or alternatively Crimestoppers.

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“If there is evidence we will look to put these people in front of the courts.

“Unfortunately we cannot decide what happens to them once they get there.”

Anyone wishing to report suspicious activity can contact police on 101 or crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.