Young Wigan thug spared jail for attempted horror attack

Bolton Crown Court Bolton Crown Court
Bolton Crown Court
A young assailant has been spared an immediate jail spell after admitting he tried to cause his victim grievous bodily harm.

Kieran Barrington, 22, of Forest Avenue in Beech Hill, had been charged with attempting the unlawful and malicious wounding of Stephen Argent and possessing a kitchen knife on November 5.

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Because of the seriousness of the allegations, the case was immediately sent by Wigan and Leigh magistrates to Bolton Crown Court where Barrington has now been given an 18-month prison sentence although it has been suspended for 24 months.

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He must complete 15 days of rehabilitation activities and 150 hours of unpaid work and has been made the subject of a restraining order preventing contact with Mr Argent.

Last year, when the charges first went before Wigan justices, Barrington was given a community punishment for stealing a woman’s keys on the same day as the incident involving Mr Argent.

He admitted the theft from Chelsy Hyemes and the bench was told the crime was committed while Barrington was already the subject of a community order for bank card fraud and handling stolen goods.

His punishment then included 230 hours of unpaid work, an alcohol treatment course and paying a fine and court costs totalling £135.