Drug addict tried to sell burglary loot to Cash Converters

Wigan and Leigh Magistrates' CourtWigan and Leigh Magistrates' Court
Wigan and Leigh Magistrates' Court
A Wigan drug addict has been put under curfew after trying to sell items taken during a break-in.

Darren Goulding admitted to selling iPads and items of jewellery at pawnbrokers’ across the town centre, which had been stolen by a man who had been living with him.

A court heard that the burglar was not giving Goulding any rent but instead had been paying his keep in the form of drugs such as heroin.

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The 45-year-old from Scholes was caught out after attempting to sell an iPad to Cash Converters in Standishgate.

By that point police had managed to warn shop managers to be on the look-out for any of the stolen items.

Goulding had earlier managed to sell an engagement ring that had also been taken during the house raid.

After being arrested, he tested positive for Class A drugs including heroin and opiates.

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Defending, Graham Simpson told Wigan and Leigh magistrates that Goulding was “regretful of his actions.”

The justices heard that Goulding had been making steps to turn his life around, including getting a job as a local cab office operator.

But he had lost that job recently and had fallen back into drug use.

Goulding was given a 12-month community order, with a six-month drug rehabilitation requirement.

He must also pay £125 in costs and was ordered to observe a six-week curfew between the hours of 8pm and 7am.

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