Fund-raisers set for Hadrian's wall trek

Phill Palmer and friends are doing a coast to coast trek across Hadrian's Wall for several charitiesPhill Palmer and friends are doing a coast to coast trek across Hadrian's Wall for several charities
Phill Palmer and friends are doing a coast to coast trek across Hadrian's Wall for several charities
A group of intrepid fund-raisers will be trekking along Hadrian's wall for a variety of charities.

Phill Palmer, of Springfield, initially organised the trip to raise funds for Mencap, which supports his twin brother, Reece, who has cerebral palsy.

Upon realising potential to help other causes, he invited four of his friends to take on the 84-mile journey from April 27 to May 2 for their own causes.

In total the group will raise money for 11 charities.

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The 33-year-old said: “I can’t believe the response from some of my friends to get behind this. We are creating life long memories.

”This is an opportunity to push myself to get fit both physically and mentally, inspire my children to do something amazing and thank those charities who made life that little bit easier for my brother.

“The fact it encouraged others to feel passionate about something so challenging means it has achieved what I wanted already - to be inspiring.”

Phill will be joined by Barry Freeman, from Wigan, Syd Cottle from Winstanley, Adam Jones from Harrow, Joe Pridgeon from Salford and Josh Hadfield from Manchester.

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Barry, 44, is raising funds for Macmillan Cancer Support and Cancer Research UK in memory of his mum, Chris Freeman who lost her fight with cancer last year.

He said: “I want to give something back in her memory as a thank you.”

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