'˜I want to help you' judge tells mum who dumped baby in hospital bin

Wigan InfirmaryWigan Infirmary
Wigan Infirmary
A judge has told a new mum who dumped her new born son in a rubbish bin in a toilet at Wigan Infirmary that he wants to help her.

Orsolya-Anamaria Balogh, 27, who has admitted attempted infanticide, has served the equivalent of a 12 month sentence while in prison on remand and Judge Neil Flewitt, QC, said that he believed “she has served sufficient time in custody.

“We have reached the stage where I want to start her rehabilitation and contact with her child.”

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She had been due for sentence today but as she still has no accommodation of her own the judge adjourned the case until February 13 but granted her bail to a bail hostel in Leeds.

The judge told her, “I want to offer you support and the first stage is finding you somewhere to live.”

At an earlier hearing Liverpool Crown Court heard that a cleaner at Wigan’s Royal Infirmary on July 5 last year found the abandoned baby by chance. Miraculously, despite having had tissues stuffed into his mouth, after being given oxygen he quickly recovered and escaped “unscathed” from his ordeal.

The new mum was later tracked down by police and claimed she had not known she was pregnant until she actually gave birth in the toilet cubicle.

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However, that when her computer was checked it was found she had been researching pregnancy and home births.

Balogh, who had been living in Platt Bridge, Wigan, eventually confirmed she had given birth in the toilet but said the baby had not been breathing and she thought he was dead. She maintained she had not known she was pregnant,

The court heard that reports by consultant psychiatrists found the balance of Balogh’s mind was disturbed after the birth and she exhibited symptoms of de-personalisation syndrome.

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