Readers' letters

Its little wonder there are killer clowns when we celebrate such a bizarre event as Halloween  says a reader. See letterIts little wonder there are killer clowns when we celebrate such a bizarre event as Halloween  says a reader. See letter
Its little wonder there are killer clowns when we celebrate such a bizarre event as Halloween says a reader. See letter
Divided and unhappy

As we all know, Brexit saw a huge increase in racial hate crime within the UK. However, what is less reported in the media is that racial prejudice and hate crime have steadily been on the increase for many years.

For example, in 2011/2012, racial hate crime incidents reported to the police were recorded at 35,816. Last year, this had increased to 49,419. What is also generally hidden in the media is that hate crime towards Muslims, gay people and disabled people have also been increasing. So have incidents of rape, sexual abuse and domestic violence committed towards women.

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While there may have been a ‘spike’ in racial hated after Brexit, together with a recent sharp increase in anti-Semitism, these problems go far deeper than any hostility aroused by the European Referendum itself, or by Jeremy Corbyn’s alleged weakness in tackling anti-Semitism within the Labour Party.

Britain is a deeply divided and unhappy nation full-stop, and not just in terms of inequality or access to resources.

That is something not caused by Brexit nor Corbyn.

Now is the time for British people, including its politicians, to decide what sort of society they actually want to live in.

Leaving the EU may rid some people of their obvious and visible anxiety over immigration, but it certainly won’t make them any happier in the long term, nor put bread on the table of most Brits (working or non-working).

Paul Dodenhoff

via email


Can you play the drums?

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Yamaha Drums is delighted to announce the launch of #FUTUREBEAT – a

new national drumming competition that offers an array of prizes, unique performance opportunities, and maximum exposure for drummers aged 18 and under.

With a Yamaha Live Custom Drum Kit awarded to the overall #FUTUREBEAT

winner, professional development from Artist Mentoring Sessions for the grand finalists, and prizes for all regional finalists, this is a do-not-miss-opportunity for anyone under 18 who plays drums. Applications are now invited. Simply send in an email with a link to a short video clip of your drumming performance with name, date of birth, address and contact number to [email protected]

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Judges will be looking for groove, timing, technique, versatility and expression.

The video can be filmed on your smart phone. Judging will be made on your performance, not the production of the video.

For full details, visit

Peter Ross

Two PR


Celebrating bizarre event

There is an epidemic of ‘killer clowns’ all over the country. But hang on a second, isn’t this October?

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And aren’t the supermarkets full of scary masks dripping with fake blood, vampire costumes, Dracula outfits, screaming skeletons and witches’ brooms for Halloween?

Scream masks have been replaced by killer clown make-up and every type of barbaric weapon you could dream of made in plastic.

It’s little wonder when we celebrate such a bizarre event that our children are terrified and confused.

Darryl Ashton

Address supplied