Readers' letters - April 14

Helen and Robs storyline has shocked fans of The Archers. See letter						                    Picture: BBCHelen and Robs storyline has shocked fans of The Archers. See letter						                    Picture: BBC
Helen and Robs storyline has shocked fans of The Archers. See letter Picture: BBC
PM fighting for survival

“Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!”

These words of Sir Walter Scott were written almost 200 years ago but are still relevant as we witness a wealthy elite which insists on knowing every penny that those on welfare benefits receive, but is very coy about revealing their own source of income.

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The late Chancellor of the Exchequer Denis Healey was asked the difference between tax evasion and tax avoidance. He replied: “The thickness of a prison wall.”

You don’t have to be an expert on the economy to know that when we find that the British Virgin Islands, with fewer than 25,000 habitants, hosts over 800,000 companies, that there is something fishy going on.

The Government talks of defeating terrorists, drug smugglers and other criminals but they cannot do so without tackling the whole system of tax evasion, tax avoidance and financial regulation.

Prime Minister David Cameron has now admitted that he and his wife sold shares worth more than £30,000 in an offshore tax haven fund set up by his late father.

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He’s also at odds with Tory MPs and members over Europe and his Chancellor George Osborne’s disastrous Budget has left a hole in the economy.

Cameron is fighting for his political survival.

John Appleyard

Address supplied

domestic violence

Help support pets in danger

The nation has found itself gripped by the depiction of domestic abuse in The Archers.

Dogs Trust runs the Freedom Project, an initiative that supports people with pets who struggle to leave an abusive relationship.

Research has shown that people are more likely to stay with a violent partner if they have a pet, as they fear their partner will harm their pet if they were to leave.

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The dedicated Freedom team helps families fleeing domestic abuse by placing their dog in temporary foster care.

The project has just helped its 1,000th family, but we rely heavily on volunteers to foster these dogs.

If you feel compelled to help people experiencing domestic violence, please consider registering as a Freedom Project Foster Carer.

If you are affected by domestic abuse and are afraid your pet is in danger, contact Dogs Trust for advice and support at [email protected] or calling 0800 298 9199.

Clare Kivlehan

Dogs Trust Freedom Project Manager


Never look a gift horse ...

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My wife has just received her annual April pension statement including the annual weekly rise.

We are, of course, grateful to the Government for keeping the wolves from our doors and, because we are a year older, we are to be given an extra 25p per week.

Between us, we have an extra 50p per week, and while ruing the loss of our anticipated Caribbean cruise, we have decided to go to Blackpool instead.

Who, on earth, in the Government came up with this annual charade?

It is an insult.

But we should never “look a gift horse in the mouth” when our leaders are expecting a £10,000 rise in their salaries this year.

John Watson,
