Readers' letters - February 9

Has leaving the EU made bees more vulnerable? See letter 			                                                                         Picture: Ken CockburnHas leaving the EU made bees more vulnerable? See letter 			                                                                         Picture: Ken Cockburn
Has leaving the EU made bees more vulnerable? See letter Picture: Ken Cockburn
Protect our bees

One of the reasons many people voted against Brexit in the referendum is surely the EU’s excellent record on environmental issues, helping to tackle such things as water and air pollution and protecting endangered species.

It is a magnificent effort. As a child in the 1970s, I remember swimming in the sea at a northern resort and seeing pools of dangerous raw sewage. According to a recent report, under five per cent of bathing sites in Britain are now considered to have “poor” water quality.

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It was a wholly political issue that personally swayed me, and when I voted “leave”, it was to keep our historic Parliament sovereign.

But as a life-long lover of wildlife and the countryside, I’ve since been having a few second thoughts.

You see, when Britain leaves the EU, our farmers will no longer have to comply with EU laws controlling which pesticides can be used and in what quantities to protect wild bees - so vital as pollinators.

To put it mildly, Britain’s bees need legal protection and if they lose it, the effect on our own food chain could be quite devastating. Quite simply, we must not allow farmers’ short-term profits to come before our food, our environment and our precious health.

Aled Jones

via email

state visit

Hypocrisy of petitioners

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Britain has had a long listing of inviting guests on state visits.

Robert Mugabe, President Mobutu of Zaire who embezzled £12bn, Nicolae Ceausescu of Romania, who ended up being executed by his own people, Emperor Hirohito, the Second World War leader of Japan whose presence many Britons resented, have all been welcomed. The Queen plays host to these visitors but invitations are initiated by Downing Street.

Donald Trump expects the full treatment if he is allowed, and rightly so.

What hypocrisy from those signing the petition to ban Donald Trump making a state visit. All he has done is temporarily ban visits from certain countries to the USA which was one of his pre-election promises, which he is now honouring. Something unheard of in Britain.

Terry Watson

Address supplied


Give parents a break

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This Valentine’s Day, couples everywhere will be looking forward to a romantic night out to focus on each other and enjoy time away from hectic daily life. For parents caring for a life-threatened or terminally ill child, life doesn’t stop on February 14. Many are unable to head out for a relaxing meal due to the complexities of their child’s condition.

Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity supports over 2,000 families who are caring for a child with a life-threatening or terminal illness. We help these families however we can to make life a little bit easier, as they face the reality that their child might not get better. Our nine teams of specialist family support workers will be busy this Valentine’s Day providing emotional and practical support to parents. They can give parents rare time together, as well as making sure that brothers and sisters don’t feel left out by organising fun activities for them. Please make a donation to Rainbow Trust, to help us give parents the break they truly deserve. Just visit or text RAIN18 £3 to 70070 to make a £3 donation.*

Anne Harris

Director of Care

Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity