Readers' letters - March 2

Prime Minister Theresa May is promising a lot  but will she deliver?Prime Minister Theresa May is promising a lot  but will she deliver?
Prime Minister Theresa May is promising a lot  but will she deliver?
Can May really deliver on all things to all voters?

Judging by the latest by-election results, clearly the Prime Minister cannot fail – she walks upon the water metaphorically speaking.

According to Theresa May, her Government is committed to taking the UK out of the EU, rendering Ukip redundant.

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Mrs May pledges to drastically reduce the cavernous gap between the rich and poor, turning Conservatives into the party for the working classes – making the Labour Party and its socialist philosophy superfluous to requirements.

Even more astonishing, according to a Government spokesman, to unite 
the country, their Brexit strategy is drafted to satisfy many varying political factions.

Such astuteness would make electing Liberal Democrats yesterday’s news.

Once the nation endorses the Conservative message, the electorate may feel they can live happily ever after!

What can possibly go wrong?

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Maybe, Mrs May’s promises fail to come to fruition, and the utopian ambition starts collapsing in a political quagmire.

Nigel J Starbuck

Address supplied

Ditch use-by dates for milk

It is so refreshing to learn that the waste reduction charity, Wrap, is advocating ditching ‘use by’ dates for milk.

Like many others I was brought up to tell whether milk was okay by sniffing or sipping it.

Using old-fashioned common sense has served generations well in sussing out if food and drink is safe or not.

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Food safety is obviously very important, but we now live in a risk-adverse namby-pamby society where more than 100 million pints of milk and more than four million tonnes of food are needlessly chucked out each year.

Unfortunately some people get confused between ‘use by’ and ‘best before’ dates and education by Wrap can only but help.

Meanwhile I am delighted that they are in talks with the dairy industry, Food Standards Agency and government officials over whether to scrap the use-by dates to reduce milk wastage.

I hope this comes about and is also applied to other food stuffs that don’t need such labels.

Louise Bours

North West UKIP MEP

Take a break and bake a cake

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My dad was diagnosed with progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) when I was six. At the time, I had no idea how life-changing it would be for our family. Fortunately, my little brother and I had our mum. She took us to rugby and held down two jobs to support us.

More than 100,000 people live with MS in the UK. It’s often painful and exhausting, and can cause problems with how you walk, move, see, think and feel.

And it can be just as tough for friends and family, who have to watch their loved ones battle often debilitating symptoms.

The MS Society is here for you through the highs, lows and everything in between. That’s why I’m supporting Cake Break – a delicious way to fundraise this March.

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It’s the perfect opportunity to come together with friends and family and indulge in some tasty treats while supporting everyone affected by MS.

Join me in baking for the MS Society. Find out more at or join the conversation using #CakeBreak.

Tom Kerridge

Michelin star chef and restauranteur