Break-in at a Wigan Borough charity shop could cost thousands

The break-in at Headway shop occurred on Sunday afternoonThe break-in at Headway shop occurred on Sunday afternoon
The break-in at Headway shop occurred on Sunday afternoon
A break-in at a Wigan Borough charity shop could result in costs of up to thousands of pounds.

Thieves smashed their way into the Headway shop, on Bradshawgate, Leigh, on Sunday afternoon, between the shop closing and the manager returning.

The charity, which helps people rebuild their lives following brain injury, is now trying to establish the amount of goods stolen and how much it will cost to repair the damage to the property.

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Staff member Gordon Hankin, who discovered the break in, said: “We’re all devastated. To steal from a charity is despicable. I feel for our volunteers, who give so much of themselves to raise money for the charity in the shop, as well as everyone who has so generously donated items for us to sell.

“The damage to the building could cost hundreds, if not thousands of pounds to repair. That’s money that could, and should, have been spent on helping people who are affected by brain injury.

“We’re all angry and hurt, but it won’t stop us. We’re already back open and trading again and giving a very warm welcome to anyone who visits us to shop, donate much-needed goods or enquire about joining our friendly volunteer team.”

The charity has asked if anyone is interested in volunteering they should visit the shop or call the manager, Jan Naylor, on 01942 602108.