Men in their 20s outnumber women by almost 1,000 in Wigan

Looking for love. Wigan ladies could be in luck!Looking for love. Wigan ladies could be in luck!
Looking for love. Wigan ladies could be in luck!
Young singles looking to meet a new man in Wigan this Valentine’s Day could find themselves lucky in love, with figures showing men in their 20s outnumber women by almost 1,000.

And Wigan is not alone in having more young male twenty-somethings, with data showing there are almost 200,000 more than their female counterparts across England.

But a relationship expert at dating website eharmony says the growth of online dating means local gender gaps are becoming a problem of the past.

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Office for National Statistics population predictions for 2020 estimate there are 18,900 men aged 20-29 in Wigan – compared to 18,000 women.

It means that for every 100 women in their 20s, there are 105 men.

Across England, the ONS estimates there are 3.7 million twenty-something men, and just 3.5 million women.

The figures also show that the highest male-to-female rate in the country was in Richmondshire, North Yorkshire, where there are more than twice as many men as women in the age bracket.

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Outside of the City of London – where data is skewed by a low residential population – the London borough of Wandsworth is where young women most dominate, with 136 to every 100 men.

Of the 360 local authorities in the country, there are just 48 where women outnumber men – with London taking seven of the top 10 spots.

Rachael Lloyd, relationship expert at eharmony, said: "With an ever more mobile population, it's no surprise that there are gender discrepancies in certain parts of the UK.

“And although this might cause potential difficulties when it comes to dating, the opposite can also be said.

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"The emergence of online dating has ultimately allowed us to widen our geographical dating pool and effectively meet someone who isn't from the same town or village.

“This doesn't mean that you necessarily need to travel for hours to meet a partner, but perhaps even explore the next town along."

For young men fearing the competition, dating coach James Preece has some advice.

The celebrity relationship expert and editor-in-chief of Dating Magazine says as men head towards their 40s they may find themselves more in demand.

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He said: "Dating is harder for them in their 30s due to more competition, but after this there are generally less decent men available.

"Women tend to be more proactive around this age as they are feeling the pressure, while men often start to have put in less effort. The good ones may find they are being chased rather than having to pursue themselves, which is the opposite of their experience in their 20s and 30s."

In Wigan, women outnumber men in their 30s by 21,200 to 20,800.

For those a decade older, the trend continues with 20,900 women and 20,700 men.

Women tend to increasingly overtake men as they get older, with 1,500 of them in Wigan aged 90-plus and 700 men.