Week thanking Wigan's carers and highlighting heroes who help others

Carers Week 2020 will say thank you to those who look after other peopleCarers Week 2020 will say thank you to those who look after other people
Carers Week 2020 will say thank you to those who look after other people
The selfless contributions made by the borough's thousands of unpaid carers will be recognised during a national awareness week.

The theme of Carers Week 2020, which falls between June 8 and 14, is ‘making carers visible’.

Wigan Council wants to highlight the role they play in communities and rise awareness of the help available to them.

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And Wigan Today is also running a campaign sharing the remarkable stories of unpaid carers' efforts.

The week-long thank you takes on even greater significance with people facing new challenges and taking on more caring responsibilities as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Councillors and town hall senior management will be taking time out of their week to deliver a random act of kindness to carers’ homes in line with the Be Kind campaign.

The tokens of appreciation could include afternoon teas, cards and flowers.

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The town hall will also be showing just how much work unpaid carers do in their communities.

Coun Keith Cunliffe, Wigan Council’s cabinet member for adult social care and health, said: “We know there are many residents in the borough who don’t recognise they are carers and feel they are simply carrying out ordinary responsibilities as a family member or friend, yet the role they play cannot be underestimated.

“The difference they make to peoples’ lives has taken on an even greater significance since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic so I would like to say a huge thank you to all our carers.

“Throughout Carers Week we will be putting a spotlight on carers, signposting the support and opportunities available to them and recognising carers for all their hard work.”

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It’s estimated that three in five people will be carers at some point in their lives so campaigns like next week are vitally important in applauding all those who make go the extra mile for a family member or loved one.

In Wigan, latest figures suggest around 36,000 people identify themselves as unpaid carers.

There are a number of ways in which carers can be supported, including a support plan and personal budget, getting short-term breaks, education and training opportunities and assistance with benefit applications and counselling.

A day of thanks will take place on Thursday June 11 to recognise the selfless contributions made by all the borough’s carers.

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The council will be issuing regular thank-you posts on its social media channels and is encouraging partner organisations, businesses and services to join in.

Stories of incredible carers can be shared with Wigan Council through the contact details on the local authority's website and also with Wigan Today by emailing newsroom.wigan@jpimedia.co.uk