Wigan arts hub tours travelling panto

The travelling pantomime in Platt BridgeThe travelling pantomime in Platt Bridge
The travelling pantomime in Platt Bridge
The Old Courts has been spreading some festive cheer around Wigan and Leigh.

The idea for the travelling pantomime was born after volunteers from the Crawford Street venue delivered food parcels to families throughout lockdown and the October half term and then wanted to continue sharing the joy and laughter with struggling households.

A 30-minute pop-up panto telling a condensed version of the Jack and the Beanstalk story was then devised in collaboration with the renowned theatre company Pendle Productions from Lytham.

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The piece was performed twice a day to surprised families from Marsh Green, Norley Hall, Leigh, Platt Bridge, Ince, Beech Hill, Worsley Mesnes and Winstanley, with the audiences enjoying the show from the comfort of their own homes, gardens and streets.

A scene from the panto which toured the boroughA scene from the panto which toured the borough
A scene from the panto which toured the borough

The Old Courts also had a team of safety marshals dressed as elves on hand to ensure the theatre show was enjoyed in a Covid-secure space.

Local alcohol wholesalers the Wigan Beer Company also chipped in by donating a lorry to act as a touring stage and staff to help set up at each location.

The Old Courts thanked Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) for help with the funding.

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Jonny Davenport, artistic director at The Old Courts, said: ‘We wanted to finish the year on a high spreading some Christmas cheer and to provide much-needed paid work for actors and event staff.

"This year has been all about what people can’t do and plenty of doom and gloom. We just felt that with a bit of creative planning, our brilliant ops staff and some like-minded allies on board, we could do something to allow people to feel like this Christmas can still be magical for their kids.

"Big thanks to all the staff who delivered on the idea and thank you also to all the residents who ran with the spirit of the event and made the atmosphere perfect for our staff, the performers and of course the kids watching the shows.”

The Old Courts is also running a virtual Christmas market with local independent businesses having online stalls and a series of short craft activities over the festive period.

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