Pervert pensioner jailed for sex attack

Peter GuyPeter Guy
Peter Guy
A pensioner who loitered around a wooded area and launched a sex attack on a terrified 13-year-old schoolboy has been sent to prison for six years.

A judge told 67-year-old Peter Guy: “It was a traumatic incident for him caused by your deviant way.”

He pointed out that the young victim has suffered nightmares since the incident in Tyldesley on June 1 this year, and he feels ashamed even though he is blameless and his personality has changed.

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Liverpool Crown Court heard that Guy, of Maden Street, Tyldesley, had never been in trouble with the law before and Judge Robert Trevor-Jones described the attack as “an aberration” of his otherwise law-abiding life.

Neville Biddle, prosecuting, said that the boy had left home about 11.30am that day on an errand for his father and then went to play in the trees near Queensway.

Afterwards, on his way home, he went down a dirt track off Squires Lane to play football.

“He kicked the ball into some nettles and went to retrieve it and was confronted by the defendant who shouted, ‘watch you don’t get nettled’.

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“The boy later said that he had seen him in the area before carrying a bag.”

Mr Biddle said that almost immediately Guy made a sexual overture and then pulled him into the undergrowth, pulled down his trousers and underpants and with the boy on the ground began molesting him.

The boy managed to get away and fortunately a suspicious man working nearby took a photograph of the defendant.

A mother and daughter tried to calm the distressed boy down but he ran off.

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Knowing the youngster, the mum went to find his father and, when he was reunited with his son, the boy burst into tears.

“The police were called and Guy was arrested.

“He initially denied things ut then admitted what he had done,” said Mr Biddle.

Paul Treble, defending, said that Guy, who pleaded guilty to sex assault, had first prevaricated when quizzed by police “because he could not believe what he had done.”

He is in a settled relationship having had a civil ceremony with his husband who is standing by him and when he is released they plan to move away to a different area.

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“It was a moment of madness and he cannot explain why he did it.

“He regrets it and is remorseful,” said Mr Treble.

As well as receiving the six-year jail term, Guy was ordered to sign on the Sex Offenders’ Register for the rest of his life.