Borough MPs back Labour leader in Brexit negotiations and urge no second public vote

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. Photo by Getty ImagesLabour leader Jeremy Corbyn. Photo by Getty Images
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. Photo by Getty Images
The borough's Labour MPs have strongly backed party leader Jeremy Corbyn in his Brexit negotiations with the prime minister and urged him to rule out a second referendum.

Wigan MP Lisa Nandy and her colleagues for Makerfield and Leigh Yvonne Fovargue and Jo Platt were among 25 Labour parliamentarians to sign the letter expressing confidence a deal could be reached which satisfied Labour's priorities for Britain's departure from the European Union (EU).

Other news: Borough MPs vote on party lines on day of Brexit drama in parliamentThe letter also urged Mr Corbyn not to agree to putting the final question of Brexit back to the public, saying the people have already voted to Leave so a deal can go through as long as it meets Labour demands on workers' rights and jobs.

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All three MPs say their correspondence with constituents shows attitudes becoming more fixed and pointed to recent polling showing No Deal was preferred to Remain everywhere in England apart from London.

The letter said: "We believe that the Prime Minister should have reached out to you a lot sooner than she did. However, these talks do represent a real opportunity for you, on behalf of the Labour movement, to secure vital goals for working people.

"The safeguarding of workers' rights, health and safety, and environmental standards are vital and significant goals, which we hope can be secured.

"If the option of a customs union arrangement could be put before Parliament, we see a Labour Brexit deal within reach.

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"Our policy, agreed by members, accepts that the public voted to leave the EU and seeks a deal that secures jobs and rights at work. It does not require a confirmatory ballot on any deal that meets those conditions.

"The latest YouGov poll shows that in every English region, outside of London, there is more support for No Deal, than for Remain. This confirms our post bags, which shows opinion is polarising and hardening.

"Delaying for many months in the hope of a second referendum, will simply divide the country further and add uncertainty for business."

The MPs added they believe a Labour deal could help bring Remain and Leave voters together and expressed their confidence Mr Corbyn could achieve a positive outcome in his meetings with Theresa May.