Childcare benefit pay-back chance for Wigan mums and dads

Pay-back chancePay-back chance
Pay-back chance
Wigan mums and dads with jobs could get more than £1,000 a month back in childcare support through Universal Credit.

Working parents can claim up to 85 per cent of their childcare costs - worth up to a maximum of £646 per month for one child, or up to £1,108 per month for two or more children.

To find out if you are eligible and start a claim, residents should speak to a Jobcentre work coach and give them details including the name, address and registration number of their childcare provider and the full costs of their childcare.

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Your childcare support is paid in arrears – this means you will pay the costs upfront yourself and Universal Credit will then pay you money back.

To find out more visit the Childcare Choices website here