Mel B reveals ‘Dad would carry me because it was less likely he’d be attacked'

Singer Mel B has told how she believes “sometimes it takes rage to get justice and rage to make a difference,” on the first anniversary of George Floyd’s death.

The 45-year-old revealed how she was heckled and taunted for being mixed-race when she attended school in Yorkshire, adding that she “grew up knowing we were different”.

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George Floyd was murdered in the US by police officer Derek Chauvin, asphyxiated when Chauvin knelt on his neck while arresting him.

Mel B told the Sun: “for anyone whose skin is a different shade to white, the death of George Floyd and the subsequent Black Lives Matter movement has had a life-changing impact.

‘Straighten my curly fro’

“It made us angry, it made us reflect, it made us want to take a stance.”

Leeds-born Mel revealed her father, born on the Caribbean island of Nevis, was part of the Windrush generation who immigrated to the UK. It was here that he met her mother, described by Mel “blonde, blue-eyed, Yorkshire-born-and-bred”.

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