Former Warrior is brewing success

Nathan McAvoy helped Wigan avoid relegation a decade agoNathan McAvoy helped Wigan avoid relegation a decade ago
Nathan McAvoy helped Wigan avoid relegation a decade ago
A former Wigan Warriors rugby league player has taken the idea of a family-run business to a whole new level.

Nathan McAvoy, who played at centre and on the wing during his one season at the DW Stadium, is one of the siblings behind Salford’s appropriately-named Seven Brothers concern.

The brewery has quickly made a name for itself with its no-nonsense way of identifying its ales and has spread from the Manchester scene to beer pubs further afield, including some in Wigan town centre.

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Nathan, who is currently in charge of sales and also overseeing the operational management of the Salford Quays brewery, founded the business two years ago along with brothers Keith, Kit, Guy, Luke, Dan and Greg.

The siblings had been brought up surrounded by brewing know-how as their father Eric created beer at home in his cellar and Seven Brothers came into being after one of the founders was exposed to the Scandinavian craft beer scene.

Nathan looked back fondly on his time in Wigan, and said there were some surprising similarities between his current job at the brewery and playing in the 13-man code.

He said: “I had a great time at Wigan and most of all I remember the fans and how loyal they were. It was the season they battled the drop and I was one of the players brought in.

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“Unfortunately it was also the year they had a transfer embargo and they wanted to offer me another two years but couldn’t. I had to move on which was disappointing.

“Coming from a big family you are surrounded by lots of experience in different fields. We had the idea of doing something together as a business about 10 years ago and we just thought about opening a brewery.

“It’s a little bit different to playing rugby, the banter in the dressing room isn’t the same, but I guess when it comes to being on the field it’s similar. We’re not going to let each other down.

“We’re always going to be there for each other, especially in a family business, because that comes first. We’re all fighting for the same goal and wanting the same success and that’s the same in rugby and business.”

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Seven Brothers currently makes an IPA, a session beer, a wheat beer and a ruby-tinged darker ale, with names simply reflecting the style so newcomers to ale know what they are drinking.

Nathan says the brewery is looking to join the current trend of clever and punning names for beers but wouldn’t be drawn on whether any of them might refer to his rugby career, which also saw him play for Leigh Centurions.

The brothers’ approach is clearly paying off as the brewery is currently expanding its operations, employing new staff and opening its own bar in Manchester.

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