How Wigan Warriors fans reacted to Shaun Edwards' U-turn

Adrian Lam with Shaun Edwards last AugustAdrian Lam with Shaun Edwards last August
Adrian Lam with Shaun Edwards last August
Here is a selection of fans’ reaction after Wigan Warriors confirmed that Shaun Edwards will not be taking the head coach position next season...

Nina Winters: “Not as if we did not see that one coming, still, very disappointed in Edwards and the way in which he has acted in this.”

Margaret Porter: “He is not a good example for a Wiganer. He has used Wigan to boost his finances in union.”

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Michael Moffatt: “Good. Plenty of other issues to focus on without worrying about next year!”

Laura Wynn: “I’m so glad he’s not coming I think this saga has shown what little respect Edwards and in some ways Lenagan has for the club. Let’s put this behind us and sort out our coach for next year I doubt Edwards will be welcome at the DW Stadium for a long time.”

Andy Lancaster: “He used Wigan like a bargaining chip. His legacy is tarnished as far as I’m concerned.”

James Wheatley: “It's OK changing your mind. But don't drag it out in all the media. Just decide and let the people that need to know.”

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Tony Riley: “Very magnanimous of Shaun to say he's not coming because he'd be lacking " in preparation " . He's always been a hero of mine and he won't suddenly cease to be so , but on this matter I do not believe a word he says. Shame on him.”

Nath Worthington: “We’ve been absolutely mugged off by Edwards and Lenegan and Radlinski have allowed him to do it. He’s used our club as leverage to get a better deal at Wales. Pathetic.”

@dXbriscoe: “No need to worry. Draw a line under it and move on. Focus has to be, as always, on doing the best of Wigan. Effort and focus now needs to be on getting the right man in not bashing or negatively towards Shaun. Looking forward to who's next and what they can bring to Wigan.”

@AlexG6: “Glad this is done with. Shaun Edwards will forever live with deserting and turning his back on his home town club. Sad thing is, he probably doesn’t even care. No longer @WiganWarriorsRL legend or hall of famer for me. Time to move on.”

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