Wigan Warriors new ace Jackson Hastings will set the place alight, says Jake Bibby

Jackson HastingsJackson Hastings
Jackson Hastings | jpimedia
Jackson Hastings will set Wigan “alight” as he prepares to make his hotly anticipated debut in tonight’s blockbuster against Warrington.

That’s the prediction of team-mate Jake Bibby, who saw first-hand just how big an impact he had at Salford.

Hastings arrived in last 2018, guided them away from relegation danger and backed that up last year by inspiring a Grand Final charge and winning the Man of Steel.

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“Me and Jackson get on really well, he’s an absolute star,” said Bibby, who will also make his debut tonight.

Jake BibbyJake Bibby
Jake Bibby | jpimedia

“When he arrived at Salford he set the whole place alight, and I think you’ll see that here as well.

“I reported back before him, but when he came into the building there was suddenly this energy about the place.

“The other new lads too are all great additions and we’re determined to do something this year.”

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Bibby, 23, has spent his professional career at Salford after being overlooked by his hometown club as a junior. And the former Orrell St James amateur says training has been an eye-opener.

“In pre-season here, they’re known for something called the pit, and I’ve never seen anything like it in my life,” he said.

“It’s quite a session – an hour with no drinks, no liquids, nothing.

“You’re just put to the pump in defence, carrying the ball, no stopping, it’s very hard work.

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“It’s a tough initiation, but we do it every week in pre-season so the pit becomes normal.

“You hear about it from afar, but for someone who’s never experienced it, to then be thrown into it, it’s a bit daunting.

“But you do get used to it, and it becomes second nature.

“And the work we’ve done in pre-season will stand us in good stead at the end of the year.”

Bibby scored Salford’s only try in the Grand Final loss to St Helens and is determined to go one step further.

“To lose in a Grand Final was gut-wrenching, and I desperately want to get back there again, and taste victory this time,” he added.