Wigan Warriors' Robin Park shut after Covid-19 outbreak

Wigan's Robin Park HQWigan's Robin Park HQ
Wigan's Robin Park HQ
Wigan Warriors have closed their Robin Park HQ following a number of positive Covid-19 tests.

They conducted a regular round of testing today, when the positive results were discovered.

The club acted swiftly to ensure the safety of all players, staff and their families by closing the venue.

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It will stay shut for 10 days, during which time the training centre will undergo a deep clean.

Leeds and Huddersfield recently took similar action.

The identities of those who tested positive have not been revealed. They are now self-isolating at home for a minimum of 10 days, along with any other individuals who have been identified as a close contact, as per Government guidelines.

There will be further rounds of testing at the club on the 12th and 17th and, after thoose results, the RFL’s Multiple Cases Group will consider whether the first team squad can return to training.

In line with Government guidelines, Public Health England have been informed.